German Speaking Course for B1 & B2 level, provide you very good communication skills, which you can use in your daily life and your professional life.
German Level B1 & B2 is also the intermediate level of proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
At a Glance
- Flexible timing and from any location
- Individual mentoring from your tutor
- Exercises with plenty of variety
- Interesting and up-to-date topics
- Maximum number of participants: 1 to 3
Speaking Based On
- All Conjunction
- Seprable verbs (Trennbare Verben) List
- Genetiv
- Präteritum und Perfekt, plusquamperfekt
- Futur-I
- Genetiv prepositions und Temporal prepositions
- Aktiv und Passiv (in all verbs)
- Konjunktiv II
- Verben mit prepositions
- Verb in Present, Past & Future
- Relative Pronomen was und wo/ preposition
- Reflexiv Pronomen (AKK)
- Indefenita Pronomen
- Adjectives & Degree of Comparison (akk/dat/gen)
- n-Deklination
- Partizip II als Adjektiv
- Reflexivpronomen im Akkusativ und Dativ
- pronomen mit preposition und pronominaladverbien
- Artikelwörter als pronomen
- zweiteilige Konnektoren/je....desto
- aus+Material
Ut quis scelerisque risus, et viverra nisi. Phasellus ultricies luctus augue, eget maximus felis laoreet quis. Maecenasbibendum tempor eros.
Please click one of the following links, for which you want to see the exam, and then go to the Exam Pattern section.
Placement Test/ Einstufungstest
A placement test is required for the B1 level.
Technical requirements for the online course
- PC, laptop or tablet
- Headset with microphone
- Stable internet connection
- Email address
- Operating system: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS
- Browser: Current version of Google Chrome (for all operating systems)
Greg Christman
Excellent course!
Rimply dummy text of the printinwhen an unknown printer took eype and scramb relofeletog and typesetting industry. Lorem
Lora Ekram
Excellent course!
Rimply dummy text of the printinwhen an unknown printer took eype and scramb relofeletog and typesetting industry. Lorem
Mike Jones
Excellent course!
Rimply dummy text of the printinwhen an unknown printer took eype and scramb relofeletog and typesetting industry. Lorem
Greg Christman
Excellent course!
Rimply dummy text of the printinwhen an unknown printer took eype and scramb relofeletog and typesetting industry. Lorem